A bit of a Frankenstein experiment with the
really ancient Sony Vaio... Sort of a continuation of my stupid and time wasting experiments with slimmed down Linux installations on old boxes, just because it can be done.
Installed Ubuntu Server 16.04 from a Mini CD install, and then added a minimal GUI.
The base installation took about an hour choosing: Standard System utilities, OpenSSH server and Basic Ubuntu Server.
As usual, the installer detected the PCIA WiFi card, but after the was over it left me with a system without Wifi and using 1.3 GB of HDD (from a 60 HDD one).
Setting up the WiFi card manually took a minute, and on onto the GUI install we go!
Issued a:
sudo apt-get install xorg
That downloads 44.6 MB of files, and then expands those onto 256 MB.
Executing a startx (and not X you old fart!!!) starts X Window with no window (the thing actually looks like a full screen xterm), the mouse pad works, but I can't type dink on that huge xterm.
Switched to a virtual console, and killed X. or, you know, startx :p
Installed a window manager, and the program to configure it:
sudo apt-get install openbox obconf
That downloads 21 MB of files, and then expands those onto 104 MB.
Installed a little panel and a small Calendar program:
sudo apt-get install tint2 gsimplecal
It downloads 2 MB of files, and then expands those onto 8 MB.
sudo apt-get install thunar thunar-volman thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin gvfs gvfs-backends
The thing downloads 22 MB of files, and then expands those onto 103 MB.
Logged out of X Window, restarted it, but still no Tint2 Panel nor a way to access Thunar yet.
So copied the file "/etc/xdg/openbox/autostart: to "~/.config/openbox/autostart".
And then added to the bottom of the file:
tint2 &
thunar &
And then startx once again!
Out of the box, the whole thing looks as if a demon from hell has vomited scorpions on my eyes...
Labels: hardware, links, Linux, Openbox, Screen Shots, Sony Vaio PCG FRV37, Themes, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, Xenial Xerus