Tuesday, December 31, 2019

It is All About Slash(es)

Stupid, simple, useful things you learn by total accident...
There is a "-p" flag for ls that adds a trailing slash to directories, making really easy to find if you're looking at a directory or a file.
Right now, my ls aliases looks like this:

alias ls='ls -CFp --color=auto'
alias lsa='ls -lshap --color=auto'
alias lst='ls -lshapt --color=auto'

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Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas Lunch Asado

A mighty good bife de chorizo (the chorizo bombón didn't make it to the picture, it was wolfed down before) with BBQ potatoes and carrots.
It was an unsual day asado, a lunch with my mother and the GF, we were racing against the rain, and we won!

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Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Current Debian Desktop

Same old, same old, only blacker!!!
Absolutely and completely love my daily driver setup.

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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Movies During The Weekend

Only one movie last weekend, but a very good one.

Really well made with amazing cinematography, but, personally, I prefer the Joker's genesis from the the first Tim Burton Batman movie.
The GF loved it.

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Friday, December 27, 2019

Sunday Night Pasta

As usual, magnificent pasta this last Sunday, our regular ones, the ricotta raviolis, drowned with the GF Stew, grilled cheese and left over carrots from our Saturday Night Asado.

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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Four Steps To a Good Asado

Taken yesterday at the GF's BBQ, while racing with the Bs As climate to have the asado done before the rain get to us.
It was part of the Christmas celebrations this year, instead of a Nochebuena, we decided to have a proper Christmas lunch, asado, of course.

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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Saturday Night Asado

It's back!!!
After a short hiatus (just here. on OE10, IRL last weekend had its own share of asados).
With the new style of BBQ'ed potatoe, bife de chorizo, chorizo bombón and carrots.
All of it, simply, amazing.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Puffy Christmas

OpenBSD logo, Puffy

Spent great part of today (other than finishing a few chores and some stuff from work) playing a bit with OpenBSD on the T60.
Yeap, the quest goes on and on...
This time exclusively running CWM and taking Firefox for a spin, the thing still doesn't cut it for me.
Thinking in giving FreeBSD a complete run on the T60, that is, finishing the Base Install I did, with XFCE and all the whistles.

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Monday, December 23, 2019

In Praise of The Dell XPS M1330

Well, yeah, it is old as hell, and it is rocking nothing more than a Core2 Duo, but the little lappie does perform, still after all that has been through.
I got this one ages ago, and has been around the block -to say the least- quite a few times.
The biggest drawback is its keyboard, it flexes like hell, really, really annoying... I've tried more than a few times fix it, to no avail.
Also, the light color of the keyboard is a gunk magnet (specially the sides of the keys), or at least, it makes it really easy for it to show up.
But, ITOH, this is an amazing little laptop, which is extremely easy to do maintenance on it. To actually reach the CPU/ Fan assembly you simply remove a couple of screws on the bottom.
Also, the LCD is really good and crisp, glossy and 1280 x 800, of course, but I can't complaint, for my tired eyes that resolution is really good.
Running with an SSD and 8 GB RAM (AFAIK it can't handle any more, but, also, I'm not sure there are DDR2 modules bigger than 8 GB) and it flies, occasionally the fan kicks on like a screeching monkey, but that's it.

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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Summer Is Here

And now it is official, God damn it!
Started yesterday, the 21st, but, luckily it started quite mild, with a nice, sunny, windy and not above 26 degrees.
Let's just hope for the rest of the summer to be like this.

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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Current Debian Desktop

Nope, nothing has changed since the last one... But this is my daily driver and I love it.

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Friday, December 20, 2019

Monday 16-12-2019

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sunday 15-12-2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

OpenBSD Configs

My configs, or dot files, as the cool kids call them, from the OpenBSD setup I've made last week.

My .profile file:

## ----------------------------------------------
## $HOME/.profile from Thinkpad T60 - OpenBSD 6.6
## ----------------------------------------------

# $OpenBSD: dot.profile,v 1.5 2018/02/02 02:29:54 yasuoka Exp $
# sh/ksh initialization


## --------------------------------

ENV="$HOME/.kshrc" export ENV

## --------------------------------

## EoF ##

The K Shell config file:

## --------------------------------------------
## $HOME/.kshrc from Thinkpad T60 - OpenBSD 6.6
## --------------------------------------------

alias df='df -h'
alias du='du -sh'
alias j='jobs -l'
alias lsa='ls -lasht'

export VISUAL=mg
export PAGER=less

set -o ignoreeof
set -o emacs

# Put the current directory and history number in the prompt
PS1='$_pwd [!]\$ '

## EoF ##

The Micro Emacs clone that ships with the Base install:
## --------------------------------------------
## $HOME/.mg from Thinkpad T60 - OpenBSD 6.6
## --------------------------------------------

## Create dir $HOME/.mg.d to store backups in one place
## Repeat this for root user

## EoF ##

The xsession file:

## -----------------------------------------------
## $HOME/.xsession from Thinkpad T60 - OpenBSD 6.6
## -----------------------------------------------

export ENV=$HOME/.kshrc

## Load X Window configurations
/usr/X11R6/bin/xrdb $HOME/.Xresources

## Sets the "wallpaper" as plain vanilla grey
## xsetroot -solid grey &

## Sets the "wallpaper" as a grey/ black/ white twatch
## xsetroot -gray &

xsetroot -cursor_name left_prt &
xclock -geometry 230x20-0-0 -fn 9x15 -strftime "%A %d %b %Y %H:%M" &

## Window Managers:

## Calm Window Manager
exec cwm

## Tab Window Manager
## twm

## XFCE:
## exec ck-launch-session startxfce4

## EoF ##

The Calm Window Manager config file, I picked this one from the internet, as it tries to mimics the way i3 works, specifically, its keyboard shortcuts: 

## --------------------------------------------
## $HOME/.cwmrc from Thinkpad T60 - OpenBSD 6.6
## --------------------------------------------

fontname "Ubuntu Mono:pixelsize=14"
gap 0 0 24 0
snapdist 4
moveamount 5
color activeborder "#4c7899"
color inactiveborder "#333333"
borderwidth 2

sticky yes

unbind-key all

bind-key CS4-q quit
bind-key CMS-r restart

bind-key 4-Return terminal
bind-key 4S-semicolon lock
bind-key 4S-Return window-hide
bind-key 4S-n window-menu-label
bind-key 4S-q window-delete

bind-key 4-1 group-only-1
bind-key 4-2 group-only-2
bind-key 4-3 group-only-3
bind-key 4-4 group-only-4
bind-key 4-5 group-only-5
bind-key 4-6 group-only-6
bind-key 4-7 group-only-7
bind-key 4-8 group-only-8
bind-key 4-9 group-only-9
bind-key 4S-1 window-movetogroup-1
bind-key 4S-2 window-movetogroup-2
bind-key 4S-3 window-movetogroup-3
bind-key 4S-4 window-movetogroup-4
bind-key 4S-5 window-movetogroup-5
bind-key 4S-6 window-movetogroup-6
bind-key 4S-7 window-movetogroup-7
bind-key 4S-8 window-movetogroup-8
bind-key 4S-9 window-movetogroup-9
bind-key 4-a group-toggle-all
bind-key 4-g window-group

bind-key 4S-f window-freeze
bind-key 4-s window-stick
bind-key 4-f window-fullscreen
bind-key 4S-m window-maximize
bind-key 4-equal window-vmaximize
bind-key 4S-equal window-hmaximize
bind-key 4s-v window-vtile
bind-key 4s-h window-htile

bind-key 4-d menu-exec
bind-key 4-slash menu-window
bind-key 4-Right group-cycle
bind-key 4-Left group-rcycle
bind-key 4-Down window-lower
bind-key 4-Up window-raise
bind-key 4-Tab window-cycle-ingroup
bind-key 4S-Tab window-rcycle-ingroup

bind-key 4CS-h window-resize-left
bind-key 4CS-j window-resize-down
bind-key 4CS-k window-resize-up
bind-key 4CS-l window-resize-right
bind-key 4S-h window-resize-left-big
bind-key 4S-j window-resize-down-big
bind-key 4S-k window-resize-up-big
bind-key 4S-l window-resize-right-big

bind-key 4C-h window-move-left
bind-key 4C-j window-move-down
bind-key 4C-k window-move-up
bind-key 4C-l window-move-right
bind-key 4-h window-move-left-big
bind-key 4-j window-move-down-big
bind-key 4-k window-move-up-big
bind-key 4-l window-move-right-big

bind-key 4-F1 window-snap-left
bind-key 4-F2 window-snap-down
bind-key 4-F3 window-snap-up
bind-key 4-F4 window-snap-right

bind-key 4S-F1 window-snap-up-left
bind-key 4S-F2 window-snap-down-left
bind-key 4S-F3 window-snap-up-right
bind-key 4S-F4 window-snap-down-right

bind-key 4C-w menu-exec-wm

unbind-mouse all
bind-mouse 4S-1 window-group
bind-mouse 4-1 window-move
bind-mouse 4-3 window-resize
bind-mouse 4-2 window-lower
bind-mouse 4S-3 window-hide

# External tools
command term "xterm"

## EoF ##

And this is the only configuration file that isn't on my $HOME...
I've edited in order to get rid of that pesky xconsole window that Xenocara starts by default

## -------------------------------------------------------------
## /etc/X11/xenodm/Xsetup_0 from from Thinkpad T60 - OpenBSD 6.6
## -------------------------------------------------------------

# $OpenBSD: Xsetup_0,v 1.6 2019/06/29 13:33:06 espie Exp $

## 17/12/2019
## Comment to disable the permanent xconsole
## xconsole -geometry 480x130-0-0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn fixed -exitOnFail

#  install package openbsd-backgrounds
#  then uncomment:
# if test -x /usr/local/bin/openbsd-wallpaper
# then
#       /usr/local/bin/openbsd-wallpaper
# fi

# sxpm OpenBSD.xpm &

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Sunday Lunch Pasta

A special edition this time: on the coast!
Simple pasta, but for lunch, as usual, drowned on an over the counter Stew and grilled cheese.

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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nose Dive!!! (And Upwards!!!)

Last week was hell (Link 1, Link 2), but, in the end we did have our nose dive and recovery.
Next week looks like it'll be upward again, but, luckily not as hot as last week.

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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Current Debian Desktop

Yeap, another one, keeping record of what my desktop looks like.
This time, the one from the glorious T60p...
There is no much change from what I have setup on my Optiplex as of today, but, this is what I like at the moment, a plain and comfy XFCE setup, all across my boxes, yes, even boring... But ultra predictable, on top of Debian Stable, and usable.

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OpenBSD on The Thinkpad T60 (2)

A little follow up.
The WiFi seems more robust, at least compared to how OpenBSD performed with the WiFi card of the T60p.
Played a bit with the Window Managers that come pre-installed 9or part of the base system), TWM, CWM & FVWM, but in the end installed XFCE.
The problems I had before, apps crashing are still here, even tho I've raised the limits on the "/etc/login/conf" file.
Also, and this might be small potatoes for some folks, but it is really annoying how the mouse cursor icons changes all the time while running XFCE on OpenBSD... It simply refuses to honor the way I've configured those, they keep changing to the .
A total and royal PITA.

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Thursday, December 12, 2019

OpenBSD on The Thinkpad T60

So, yes... I want another round.
Installed OpenBSD again, this time on the T60, with a full disk encryption, once again too.
The install process was flawless, except for a little annoyance, the builtin WiFi card, a Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG, needed a firmware in order to use it, so, made the installation using a PCMCIA Atheros card, and then simple remove it (something I've done before).

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Sunday Night Pasta

A Special Occasion for our Sunday Pasta! Pizza Night!
A truly magnificent pineapple pizza, our favorite kinda pizza.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Right On the Middle Of The Inferno (II)

Yes, we had 38 fucking degrees today.
Am I happy or what?

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Saturday Night Asado

Now, this is the way every asado should be, amazing.
The chorizo bombón was unbelievable good, and the bife de chorizo was simply wonderful.
I like mine well done, while the GF likes her meat not raw, but as close as possible.

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Monday, December 09, 2019

Right On the Middle Of The Inferno

I hate summer in this fucking rotten city with all my guts.

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A Saturday of Fixing Stuff

The GF put me to fix her iron, which mysteriously shorted out of the blue on Saturday morning.
Happy to report that it is working perfectly fine after the fix.

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Sunday, December 08, 2019

The Current Debian Desktop

Again, not much has changed since the last one, but, hey, this is my daily driver and I like it.

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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Dead Soldiers

They died yesterday, and now they're gone for good.
I've tried over and over to keep them running (Link 1Link 2Link 3, Link 4), but this time the damage is beyond repair.

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Friday, December 06, 2019

Into The Inferno

Next week we die, of course, after a slow and agonizing scorching heat.
Damn Buenos Aires summer weather.

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Thursday, December 05, 2019

(Per (Really) Ardua) Ad Astra

Last night it was another movie night... Had to reboot (kernel reboot) a couple of servers during the night, so I had to make time until the wee hours.

Ad Astra:
Damn it was bad, long and boring.
Not much to add, a total disappointment, I was really expecting a lot more out of this one.

Happy to say, the reboots went well.

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Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Kilo Twelve Bravo

12 Strong:
Saw it last night, not sure why I missed this one before.
Anyways, I was sort of expecting something like Kilo Two Bravo, but it fell short, nevertheless, pretty interesting story.
As a side note, that bold William Fitchner freaked the hell out of me.

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Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Sunday Night Pasta

Yes! The classic Sunday raviolis, drowned with the GF Stew a lot of boiled carrots and grilled cheese.
Nothing much to add, except they were amazing, as usual.

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Monday, December 02, 2019

Movies During The Weekend

Actually, only one, but it is a huge step forward, as we weren't watching any movie lately.

Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood:
I'm not a big fan of Q. Tarantino movies, and well this one isn't an exception.
Even tho they are two movies on this one, the second one starts -IMHO- when they return from Italy is a bit better than the first one, which was slow, loooooong and over indulgent.
The second one, violent and so Anti PC that  is ridiculously funny.
The GF loved it, specially the second movie, but she's a Tarantino die hard.

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Sunday, December 01, 2019

Saturday Night Asado

No food shot this time, instead a picture of the wooden cart I use to wander around the GF house, looking for fallen wood to fire up our asados.
On this occasion, Saturday Night Asado was special, because a couple came to have dinner with us.

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