What a lovely day for my beloved QuickSilver beauty Thor
She got some "new" cool hardware added, just because.
An extra HDD, a Western Digital Caviar, 80 GB and an extra NIC interface, just like that.
No problems at all adding the stuff, I was convinced that the NIC would not work at all, but it did out of the box.
The HDD, once the box completely booted was simple recognized but not mounted automagically because of the format of the file system, it was formated, IIRC, on 4.2BSD, but I can be wrong.
The NIC, after Thor booted did nothing, but, once I opened "System Preferences" > "Network" a pop window showed up, with a "New Port Detected" message.
Info from
+-o com_apple_driver_RTL8139
| | | | {
| | | | "IOFeatures" = 0
| | | | "IOMediumDictionary" = {"00000020"={"Type"=32,"Speed"=0,"Index"=5,"Flags"=0},"00100023"={"Type"=1048611,"Speed"=10000000,"Index"=1,"Flags"=0},"00200023"={"Type"=2097187,"Speed"=10000000,"Index"$
| | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = "com.apple.driver.AppleRTL8139Ethernet"
| | | | "IOMinPacketSize" = 64
| | | | "IOPacketFilters" = {"IOEthernetWakeOnLANFilterGroup"=0,"IONetworkFilterGroup"=275}
| | | | "IOModel" = "8139"
| | | | "IOVendor" = "Realtek"
| | | | "IOPCIMatch" = "0x813910ec 0x13001186 0x12111113"
| | | | "IOLinkStatus" = 3
| | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | "IOMaxPacketSize" = 1518
| | | | "IOClass" = "com_apple_driver_RTL8139"
| | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOPCIDevice"
| | | | "Power Management private data" = "{ this object = 02b85200, interested driver = 02bb8e00, interested driver = 02b85200, driverDesire = 0, deviceDesire = 0, ourDesiredPowerState = 1, previousRe$
| | | | "Power Management protected data" = "{ theNumberOfPowerStates = 2, version 1, power state 0 = { capabilityFlags 00000000, outputPowerCharacter 00000000, inputPowerRequirement 00000000, staticPo$
| | | | "IOSelectedMedium" = "00000020"
| | | | "IOMACAddress" = <0050fc470ca6>
| | | | "IOLinkSpeed" = 100000000
| | | | "IOActiveMedium" = "00100026"
| | | | }
Labels: Apple, hardware, Os X, Programs, QuickSilver