Installed Linux Mint Debian 2 (Betsy) on the T60p this week -this time I selected Cinnamon as the DE- just to see how things were over there,
it has been 5 years since the last time I've tested it.
This time I was
able to encrypt my shit, no problems in that department.
But, I'm sucker I know, after the install was over, and after a couple of reboots to make sure the encrypted LVM was working Ok, I chose a local mirror... That sort of borked things up, in a bad way... After installing about 400 MB of updates and rebooting, I wasn't able to login thur MDM to Cinnamon. I was able to login on a Virtual Console, and of course, the LVM encryption presented no problems whatsoever.
I even try creating another user, and tested things with it, but same thing... I wasn't able to login to Cinnamon, that is, I wasn't able to go past the MDM login.
In the end, thru a TTY I had to change mirrors, get updates once again, but also, had to re-install Cinnamon, issuing a:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall cinnamon
After that, I was able to login onto Cinnamon.
Anyways, everything was kosher, Cinnamon is lovely, but, it is way too demanding RAM wise... Right after booting it was at about 500MB on idle, but that went thru the roof once I've start to open stuff on the t60p... Its 3GB simply don't cut it.
Will go with
Devuan I guess...
Labels: Devuan, links, Linux, Linux Mint, Linux Mint Debian, Thinkpad T60p, Updates