Monday, December 23, 2019

In Praise of The Dell XPS M1330

Well, yeah, it is old as hell, and it is rocking nothing more than a Core2 Duo, but the little lappie does perform, still after all that has been through.
I got this one ages ago, and has been around the block -to say the least- quite a few times.
The biggest drawback is its keyboard, it flexes like hell, really, really annoying... I've tried more than a few times fix it, to no avail.
Also, the light color of the keyboard is a gunk magnet (specially the sides of the keys), or at least, it makes it really easy for it to show up.
But, ITOH, this is an amazing little laptop, which is extremely easy to do maintenance on it. To actually reach the CPU/ Fan assembly you simply remove a couple of screws on the bottom.
Also, the LCD is really good and crisp, glossy and 1280 x 800, of course, but I can't complaint, for my tired eyes that resolution is really good.
Running with an SSD and 8 GB RAM (AFAIK it can't handle any more, but, also, I'm not sure there are DDR2 modules bigger than 8 GB) and it flies, occasionally the fan kicks on like a screeching monkey, but that's it.

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