Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Compiz settings thru gconf-editor
There is a nice and easy way to modify the drop shadow effect (actually you can edit just about any Compiz Desktop Effect setting) without the need to install any extra program.
Simply start up gconf-editor and browse to: /apps/compiz/plugins
Here is a little screenshot of the settings and the result on Hercules as of today.
Labels: Drop Shadow Effect, Gnome, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Minimal Desktop for Ubuntu, Screen Shots, Thinkpad T43, Ubuntu
Friday, July 29, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Currently reading
During the weekend finished Warday, it was sort of a disappointment -waited for years till I get my hands on a copy-, but it gets a little better as it progresses, nevertheless, as post apocalyptic novels go, this is one of the softest and strangest I read so far.
Started right away with Juliet, Naked, which seems like pure Hornby at its best.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Road, but down South...
This might look like something out of The Road, but, unfortunately it is not.
Ash covered landscape
Labels: Books, Cormac McCarthy, Dystopia, Life, links, Pictures, The Road, Weather
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Final Frontier got final
I was 10 years old when the first launch, remember that they let us watch it on the school's TV (color TV!) it was great, the beginning of that science fiction turn true decade that were the 80s.
Labels: Life, Space The Final Frontier
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Bye Bye (some) TTF Fonts
Removed some fonts that I'm pretty sure I won't be using much, or never.
Labels: Linux, Lucid Lynx, Trimming Ubuntu, Ubuntu
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The current Ubuntu desktop
Back to Gnome Colors it is...
Labels: Dell XPS M1330, Gnome, GNOME Colors icons, GNOME Global Menu, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Screen Shots, Themes, Ubuntu, Window Shopping
Epecuén raising
Once a booming small tourist town, located about 500 kms. from Bs. As., in 1985 the whole place flooded in a matter of days; the waters are now receding, and the remains are left in the sun.
More pictures and the story (in Spanish):
La historia del pueblo que volvió a emerger
Monday, July 18, 2011
Restore to infinity
Either I have way too much stuff, or the Sony Vaio it about to have its final round...
Re-installed Lucid on the antique Sony Vaio yesterday (had to, but that's another story), and today spent, literally, the whole day copying back files onto the little lappie...
Took me about 9 hours to get those files from the USB drive to the box... And we are talking about 250 GB of files...
Labels: Backups, hardware, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Sony Vaio PCG FRV37, Ubuntu
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
A new Lucid beginning
For the Thinkpad T43, at least...
Last night installed Lucid on the new 320 GB HDD.
As usual, went with the Alternate installer, took about 3 hours till CD boot to get the system with all the up to date updates installed.
Regarding those, I thought there will be much more updates to download than the 300 MB or so that were available.
What it took nearly 6 hours was restoring my files from the USB drive to the lappie.
Labels: Linux, Lucid Lynx, Thinkpad T43
Friday, July 15, 2011
Fade to black
That isn't news at all -well, for it is...- except for the fact that there is a bug that doesn't allow you to change it (if you're running Compiz).
You don't only need to edit the file:
/usr/share/icons/default/index.themeWith the name of the cursor shape you want to use, but also be sure that the same name is reflected on the "index.theme" file of the actual theme you are running.
Labels: Gnome, links, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Mouse pointer shape, Ubuntu
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
UbuntuNotOne (2)
So that was enough... Slowly removing all the UbuntuOne programs from my Lucid Lynx installations.
Labels: Backups, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Ubuntu
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hibernate a Sony Vaio PCG-FRV37 on Ubuntu
BTW, this is specific -or better yet, tested- to Lucid Lynx 32 bits...
Presto, the beast sleeps, or hibernates... Until you wake it up.
1- Logout Gnome
2- Swtich to Virtual Terminal
3- Login to the shell
4- Issue the commands:This last one kills the X Window Server.sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stoporsudo service gdm stop
5- And then, actually put the lappie to sleep:sudo pm-hibernate
Does this beats shutting it down? Not sure, since you are actually login out from your Gnome session there is not much of a speed gain, nor there is on the time it takes from waking up from hibernation. The only advantage I can think of is that the HDD make a few pulls during the "spin-up from hibernation" than from a full boot.
Labels: hardware, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Sony Vaio PCG FRV37, Ubuntu
Monday, July 11, 2011
At what price backups?
It is somehow a PITA, but what a hell, I sleep better at night.
Some annoying problems I've run into, sometimes the encrypted drive refuses to mount properly. Usually this happens because the prior mount did not exit cleanly.
sojourner # ls /dev/mapper/ control udisks-luks-uuid-50508a07-7d38-4be4-975e-ee1d048c1cd6-uid1000 sojourner # sudo dmsetup ls udisks-luks-uuid-50508a07-7d38-4be4-975e-ee1d048c1cd6-uid1000 (251, 0) sojourner # sudo dmsetup remove udisks-luks-uuid-50508a07-7d38-4be4-975e-ee1d048c1cd6-uid1000
Labels: Backups, hardware, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Security
Updates dujour
Labels: Linux, Lucid Lynx, Sony Vaio PCG FRV37, Ubuntu, Updates
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
The current Ubuntu desktop
Labels: Dell XPS M1330, Gnome, GNOME Colors icons, GNOME Global Menu, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Screen Shots, Themes, Ubuntu, Window Shopping
Monday, July 04, 2011
The current Ubuntu desktop
Nothing much has changed... Still the ole trusty Gnome, Clearlooks & the beloved Gnome Colors icon set.
Labels: Dell XPS M1330, Gnome, GNOME Colors icons, GNOME Global Menu, Linux, Lucid Lynx, Screen Shots, Themes, Ubuntu, Window Shopping