Linux Mint 17 install notes
- Base install the OS.
- Remove unwanted programs.
- Install updates & kernel (test screensaver & blank screen -to power off the LCD- while dloading and waiting).
- Change installation passwords.
- Change login window theme to the Linux Mint one (and set to NOT remember the previous user).
- Reboot.
- Install "extra" programs.
- Test Skype (no problems, even tho I haven't installed the IA-32 Libx package yet, go figure...).
- Suspend the lappie.
- Test return from Suspend.
- Test all USB ports after the Suspend.
- Install Virtualbox (sudo apt-get install virtualbox-nonfree).
- Restore previos VB image to ~/VirtualBox/ & test it.
- Install IA-32 Libs (and test Skype once again).
- Install Fortigate Client.
- Test Fortigate connecting to VPN.
- Restore backups (the most annoying and time consuming of all..).
Labels: Backups, Linux, Linux Mint, Linux Mint 17, Programs, Thinkpad T430, Updates