Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Saturday Night Pizza
We were starving after a very hot summer day, the original plan was to make another asado, but the weather said rains for tonight, so we scrubbed that idea; of course, and as usual, it didn't rain a shit.
The plan is to have a nice big asado for New Years (we had an amazing one for Christmas). we'll see, it shouldn't rain on the 31st, at least that is what the forecast says.
Nano Tangerines (X)
They did a great job since the first time they showed their faces.
Labels: Life, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Saturday, December 29, 2018
The Current Debian Desktop
A nice dark cool theme called Greeny Dark, that goes really well with Numix icons.
Labels: Debian, Debian Stretch, links, Linux, Optiplex 755, Screen Shots, Themes, Window Shopping
Friday, December 28, 2018
Summer Got Us
Yes, in the end, it finally caught up with all of us around here... And in the most violent way.
This last week got fuckingly hot and humid around here, a real piece of shit of weather. Currently waiting for the rain that will per chance, lower a bit the temperatures.
Labels: Buenos Aires, Heat, Weather
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
222K and counting!
Another thousand up, getting ready to finish this year... Already a thousand up for last year's mark.
Labels: Acer TravelMate 2441, Chrome,, Life, Motorola Moto G4 Plus, Music, Nexus 7, Play Count, Spotify, Stupidity
Saturday Night Burgers
The burgers were, of course, lovingly and crafty made by the GF.
Labels: Edibles, GF, Life, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
You Better Look Sharp!
Made four more asados since the one that started this season (and if the weather allows, I'm planning a lot more in the near future).
The little ax needed a bit of love.
Labels: Edibles, Life, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Monday, December 24, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Nano Tangerines (IX)
Hopefully they'll continue the path forward with not much as water.
This is a much better picture than the one I took last week.
Labels: GF, Life, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures, Stupidity
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Sunday Night Pasta
The mighty ravioli with the glorious GF stew, all of it drowned on grilled cheese.
Labels: Edibles, GF, Life, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Friday, December 21, 2018
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Saturday Night Burgers
BBQ made, with bacon, of course, also BBQ cooked along with oven broiled potatoes (with their skin).
Damn that those were amazing.
As usual, everything lovingly made by the GF, except the BBQ which I was responsible for.
Labels: Edibles, GF, Life, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures, Stupidity
Juggling RAM Around (3)
Or Reduce & Reuse... Time to shuffle the RAM around, once again.
This time it was the turn for the Dell XPS M1330 and the MacBook White, the XPS went from 8 GB to 6 GB, and the MacBook White maxxed to 6 GB.
So far so good.
Labels: Debian, Debian Stretch, Dell XPS M1330, hardware, Linux, Linux Mint, Linux Mint 18, MacBook3.1, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
221K and counting!
Another thousand up, also, I've officially passed last year's mark (51.053 scrobbles) as well.
You can't stop music, dude.
Labels: Acer TravelMate 2441, Chrome,, Life, Motorola Moto G4 Plus, Music, Nexus 7, Play Count, Spotify, Stupidity
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Unseanobly Cold
Unfucking believable, we are still with some amazingly civilized weather around here!
Last Sunday we roasted, but after some might heavy rains Sunday night, things got back to normal.
Apparently next week we are going to burn in Hell around here... Who knows, maybe this will really be a rainy and cool summer.
Labels: Buenos Aires, Cold, Weather
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Saturday Night Asado
Second one, a mighty fire for some wonderful home made burgers, craftily made by the GF.
Labels: Edibles, GF, Life, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Nano Tangerines (VIII)
Not so nano anymore, baby!
Those little fuckers are huge!
We spent last weekend elsewhere, so it has been a while since the last record...
They are blooming at full speed.
Labels: GF, Life, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Chromebook Lusting
Looking for the Samsung Chromebook Pro, the Asus Chromebook C302 and, yes, maybe the one, the Pixelbook.
Leaving price aside, and just for the sake of lust and more lust, the only thing that is really stopping me is how close, how unfriendly to customization Chrome OS is.
The hardware of those laptops is amazing, specially the Samsung Chromebook Pro and the Pixelbook, (doh!)
Labels: Asus Chromebook Flip C100, Chrome OS, Chromebook, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
220K and counting!
Yes! Another thousand up... And one thousand to go to reach last year's mark.
Should I keep pushing or just stop scrobbling once the yearly mark is set?
Decisions, decisions... Stupidity, stupidity...
Labels: Chrome,, Life, Motorola Moto G4 Plus, Music, Nexus 7, Play Count, Spotify, Stupidity
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Sunday -Not So- Night Pasta
Ricotta raviolis drowned on grilled cheese, and, this time, no GF stew, but a plain vanilla piece of shit stew from the supermarket.
Labels: Edibles, GF, Life, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures
Monday, December 10, 2018
Cascading with Style on Chrome
But the thing works so so... And of course, it only works inside of Chrome.
Labels: Chrome OS, Chromebook, links, Mouse pointer shape
Sunday, December 09, 2018
Asado Season Is Open!
At last, the meat is here, dudes.
Taken last night, on an undisclosed location on the Bs. As. shoreline :p
Labels: Buenos Aires, Edibles, GF, Life, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures, Stupidity
Friday, December 07, 2018
My Spotify Year (II)
123 thousand minutes of music... What a fucking beast...
And a substantial increase compared with last year's milestone.
Thursday, December 06, 2018
Sunday Night Pasta
We had milanesas Saturday night, so, the way it should always be, God damn it!! Pasta on a Sunday.
Mighty raviolis with world famous GF stew.
Labels: Edibles, GF, Life, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Pictures, Stupidity
Wednesday, December 05, 2018
219K and counting!
And another thousand up, getting close to the final approach of the mighty year score...
Labels: Acer TravelMate 2441, Chrome,, Life, Motorola Moto G4 Plus, Music, Play Count, Spotify, Stupidity
Movies During The Weekend
Well, well, well... This weekend (once again) we did watched a lot of movies!
First Man:
Pretty, pretty cool one. Obviously, we went to the theater to see this one...
IMHO they go a bit overboard with the vibration of takeoffs and the darkness on the interior of the capsules.
Dog Soldiers:
Saw this one eons ago, and not even in its entirity.
Cool one, the GF loved it too.
Wanted to re-watch this for quite sometime.
Bizarre as it is, it is still a wonderful movie, it aged quite well.
Once again, the GF completely loved it.
Tuesday, December 04, 2018
A Flatter xcalc
Thanks to ~/.Xresources:
xcalc*ti.button1.vertDistance: 4
xcalc*ti.button2.vertDistance: 4
xcalc*ti.button3.vertDistance: 4
xcalc*ti.button4.vertDistance: 4
xcalc*ti.button5.vertDistance: 4
xcalc*ti.background: gray90
xcalc*ti.bevel.borderColor: gray65
xcalc*ti.bevel.borderWidth: 1
xcalc*ti.bevel.vertDistance: 4
xcalc*ti.bevel.defaultDistance: 0
xcalc*ti.bevel.background: rgb:b/c/b
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen*background: rgb:b/c/b
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen.borderColor: rgb:b/c/b
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen.vertDistance: 10
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen.horizDistance: 10
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen*left: chainLeft
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen*right: chainRight
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen*top: chainTop
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen*bottom: chainBottom
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen*LCD.foreground: gray10
xcalc*ti.bevel.screen*INV.vertDistance: 0
xcalc*ti.Command.borderColor: gray65
xcalc*ti.Command.background: gray85
xcalc*ti.Command.foreground: gray30
xcalc*ti.button5.background: rgb:e/b/b
xcalc*ti.button20.background: rgb:e/d/c
xcalc*ti.button25.background: rgb:e/d/c
xcalc*ti.button30.background: rgb:e/d/c
xcalc*ti.button35.background: rgb:e/d/c
xcalc*ti.button40.background: rgb:b/b/e
xcalc*ti.button22.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button23.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button24.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button27.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button28.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button29.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button32.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button33.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button34.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button37.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button38.background: gray95
xcalc*ti.button39.background: gray95
Labels: Linux, Programs, Themes, Window Shopping
Monday, December 03, 2018
Sunday, December 02, 2018
Saturday, December 01, 2018
Malocchio Malohardware (III)
Thursday evening I was having a great time, coffee with the GF, and lo and behold, I broke them.
I love this suckers, I'll keep super-gluing them until I get a new pair that looks exactly the same.
Labels: GF, hardware, Life, links, Nikon Coolpix AW120, Oculi de vitro cum capsula, Pictures, Stupidity