Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Firewalling Tiger (V)

With the rules to access the SNMP server on Tiger.

# To list the current rules
# sudo /sbin/ipfw list

## The startup of this script is controlled by the files on:
## /Library/StartupItems/Firewall/

# Variables to simplify maintenance


# LAN Arenales

# Judith

# You can add more servers, these are comma delimited

# Enable firewall logging
#/usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1
# Disable firewall logging
/usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=0

# Flush existing rules
${ipf} -f flush

# If the rule was added to the dynamic rule table, let it in
${ipf} add check-state

# Allow traffic to flow on the loopback interface
${ipf} add allow all from any to any via lo0

# Allow established connections
${ipf} add allow tcp from any to any established

## ------------------------------------
## Incoming connections
## ------------------------------------

# Allow ICMP traffic
${ipf} add allow icmp from ${LAN} to me icmptype 0,8

# Allow SSH connections
${ipf} add allow tcp from ${LAN} to me 22 keep-state

# Allow DHCP
${ipf} add allow udp from ${LAN} 67-68 to me 67-68

# Allow snmp
${ipf} add allow udp from ${judith} to me 161-162

# Allow Synergy connections
${ipf} add allow tcp from ${LAN} to me 24800 keep-state

## ------------------------------------
## Outgoing connections
## ------------------------------------

# Allow SSH connections
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to any 22 keep-state

# Allow non-secure web traffic
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to any 80 keep-state

# Allow ntpd traffic
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to ${NTPD_SERVERS} 123 keep-state
${ipf} add allow udp from me to ${NTPD_SERVERS} 123 keep-state

# Allowed so SNMPD connections can return to Judith
${ipf} add allow udp from me to ${judith}

# Allow secure web traffic
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to any 443 keep-state

# Allow IMAPS
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to any 993 keep-state

# Allow Messenger
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to any 1863 keep-state

# Allow RDP traffic
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to any 3389 keep-state

# Allow HTTP alternative access
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to any 8080 keep-state

# Allow Webmin
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to any 10000 keep-state

# Allow Synergy connections to the server on Tango
${ipf} add allow tcp from me to ${LAN} 24800 keep-state

# Allow me to get to my DNS servers
${ipf} add allow udp from me to ${DNS_SERVERS} 53 keep-state

# Allow ICMP traffic out
${ipf} add allow icmp from me to any out keep-state

## ------------------------------------
## Close down

${ipf} add deny log ip from any to any

# EoF #

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