Monday, February 10, 2020

Happy Gunk Keyboard

Well, someone had to do it and that someone was me...
Last Sunday afternoon took courage and disassembly my beloved Happy Hacking keyboard in order to clean it.
This was the second occasion I have to do such thing with my beloved keyboard.
It was working a bit flaky lately, especially the space bar, it sort of got stuck sometimes, or, other times, it required a heavy punch in order to actually work.
I'll spare the gore, not even a picture will be posted (and nor was taken) because it was gross, something out of this world that would probably make the late H. R. Giger puke his guts.
One thing to mention, tho, the keyboard it was a pleasure to work with, it took 8 screws to pull it open (one of those hidden beneath a sticker) but after that everything was kosher.

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